I'm Oliver Mervil-Rose,
new leader of the Pet Club since simday 76. I used to manage the local
Pet Shop, and now I train dogs for the SimCity Police Dept.
You can contact me here.
Send in your pet question:
can post any pet related question here,
and I will answer them one by one on this page.
Local breeds for import:
you see one of the local Simmerville breeds that are available in our Breeds
Catalogue. They are temporarily available for download at the thesims2.com
exchange but whenever they are no longer there, we'll add them here.
Pet Club
is basically a resource for cat and dog breeders out there, but we will
also offer general pet related content. To enjoy all the stuff, a local
TS2 Pets deal is required.
Breeds Catalogue
is where you can easily look up the available pure breeds, as well as a
few local Simmerville breeds, to check on their looks and personality.
You can search breed names or details - say you want a small dog with folded
ears and short fur - just search the catalogue and see the alternatives.
If you need to know your dog's preferred eyecolour, just look it up! Check
the pure details and decide which puppy or kitten you should use for further
Breeds Catalog will also be handy when you are not sure what breed your
pet actually is (a mix of). It is often quicker and easier to search this
catalogue than to browse the CAP menu.
you perform your first search, just click the Enter key 8 times in order
to complete a run and access the instructions.
Questions about breeding
say that either you are a serious breeder, or you're not. And they are
right! Being a serious dog or cat breeder is a lifestyle, covering knowledge
and a clear devotion to your pets. Some Sims make a living from breeding
pets. Breeding, raising and training pets is like a full time occupation.
14th I accepted pet related questions for one day only, and majority of
the questions were related to breeding. We will shortly publish an article
on this subject, telling you all you need to know in order to breed your
cats or dogs successfully.
Your local pet club
easy to start a local pets club in your own hood. Have a Sim pick up the
phone to start a new Group. Add other pet interested Sims to the group.
If there are many members you can have several groups based on species,
like cats, small dogs, large dogs and caged animals. Or you can organize
groups based on the pet owner's intention; pet breeders, regular pet keepers.
a member of the pets club visits the park, it's very easy to invite over
many other pet ovners by inviting the group. You can then get to know other
pet owners in order to invite them over with their pet some other time.
To have the pets meet in the park you must invite the households, but the
Group will still be a good members list.
Simmerville there is currently one group for Mazalotti dog owners, and
another group for Merviller cat owners.
Pictures are taken from TheSims2 CAP and catalogue descriptions are based
on information found at Next
Day Pets, The
Cat Fanciers' Association and the Pet
Trainer newsletter. |