Social Services

Mr. Findson: Social budgets incl. funds, taxes and security.

Charlotta Ruanda: Children and old people, health and happiness.

Lisa Bruton: Education, job possibilities and home business.

Home Business
December 7: Being a Test sim
September 20: Breeding pets
July 30: Farming
June 14: Financial investments
March 16: Making gnomes
January 16: Painting yourself a fortune
New article focusing on homebusinessses bi-monthy!
The 20 Career Tracks
Check out the jobs and how much you will get paid.

SimCity Social Services

When funds are running low and your lucky star is falling, we are here to help you. Our good advices are gold worthy, although they won't cure your starving stomach unless you put them into action. In coorperation with Simmerville Web, we are looking forward to debate and share with you.

SEARCH TOOL was added! When you look for specific a job, desire a certain pay or working hours, you will find it here! We do our best to help you pick the right career. See our new career breakdown including all 20 careers.

Our Job Planner was updated January 2003, and our recommendations are now based on a total of 20 different careers! If you want our help finding the right kind of career for you, don't miss it! This service will be further improved this Spring, as we plan to add a service where we recommend a particular job, and not just a career!

Sims are invited to share thoughts and experiences related to this article's subject.

Do you make a living from producing butter, honey, elderberries, gold thread, nectar or gargoyles? We are working on an article on these new home businesses. If you like to share your story, please contact websimtress Bimbo NL before July 10th 2004.

PLEASE NOTE: SimCity Social Services no longer wants to be assosiated with the violent SimLOOK project (also known as SimWatch). If you came here but was looking for the SimLOOK, please go here.