SUN - web form B
Modern sims like to build relations accross neighbourhood borders!

The purpose of the SUN network is to unite SimCity neighbourhoods and their residents in order to establish contacts for sharing knowledge and culture between neighbourhoods. 

PLEASE NOTE: SUN is not intended for Humans playing The Sims, but for the established neighbourhoods and their residents.

*) All features are linked from SUN main page.
When updating, you must always fill in your  SUN ID. If you forgot it, you can request us to send the existing SUN-ID to your registered contact.

There is one web form for updates:
web form B

There is one web form for special updates, like when you only need to report a new hood facility/expansion:
web form C

The updates works like a nation wide census. You will be asked about demographics and statistics of your hood. When many SUN members are contributing, your page will even include an auto-generated description comparing your hood with the average SUN hood!

When submitting updates, please fill in only the fields that should be edited, but fill in all the text you want to appear in that field on the web presentation page. If you submit something for a field named "Introduction" the current content of that field will be replaced with what you submitted. Empty fields will not affect the current presentation. It saves us from a lot of work if we don't need to spend time on replacing text fields that was not adjusted.

Web form B 
Modified September 14, 2008

NOTE: You need to have a SUN ID to use this web form. You can request a SUN ID here. If you want more information before you request a SUN ID, please go here. If you have sumbitted web form A already do not submit again but contact SUN web with your concern.

Use this web form (A) for registering any information on your neighbourhood or if you like to adjust your current SUN presentation.

Please fill in all fields. If you are submitting an update, please fill in only your ID + Hoodname and fields that are to be modified. 

This submition is a

(if you are about to register a new neighbourhood, you must first request your SUN ID)

Neighbourhood's name:

Neighbourhood's facilities:
-TS2 hoods only! --------------------------
University (Uni): 
Downtown (NL): 
Business (OFB): 
Pets (PETS): 
Seasons (SEA): 
Vacations (VAC): 
Freetime (FT): 
Freetime (FT): 

Number of Residental Lots (occupied):

Number of Community Lots (occupied):

Please take the time to fill in this population census:

Male Elders
Female Elders
Male Adults
Female Adults
Male Teens
Female Teens
Male Kids
Female Kids

Networth information is not accurate, you won't need to check each account as long as you know what category they would fit in.
Number of households with Networth §100001 and up
Number of households with Networth §50001-§100000
Number of households with Networth §25001-§50000
Number of households with Networth §25000 and less

Your neighbourhood's spokes person:
Note that the spokes person must be one of the sims living in your neighbourhood.
E-mail address: 

URL to existing web page:
All SUN-members will get a brief web presentation here on Simmerville web site, but if you create your own web page for presenting your neighbourhood, you will be able to add more details and to update it more frequently.

URL to existing JPG available on the www:
A photo of your neighbourhood can be included in your SUN presentation, but you must host the JPG-file yourself. It will be displayed with width=260 pixles. Your photo can also show a house, event or family situation, and you can update it as often as you like without notifying us. You can also use such a JPG for adding local news to your SUN presentation with announcements (latest born baby, a fight or whatever).
You can make your picture by having neighbourhood image on your screen, then press "Print Scrn" (next to the F12 button), and paste the print into any photo/paint software. Remember to reduce size/colors to keep the file as small as possible (= less downloading time). Upload it to a server and register the URL to your JPG here.

Below you can compose a description of your hood. Your text will normally not be edited. HTML coding is allowed. For example if you want to portion the text by a blank line simply include the html tag <p> in the text.

About your hood, GENERAL:
A brief introduction to your hood.

About your hood, SPECIALITY:
Use this chance to highlight what you think is most particular about your hood. Beauty or community spirit? Businesses, landscape? History or dreams?

About your hood, HISTORY:
Our presence is the result of our past. Add a few lines about your hood's history here! Can the key to the local family conflict be found in the past?

Click here to submit your registration. Please allow 1-2 weeks for it to be handled. On the SUN main page you will find information on any delay. You will get notified when it's been done.