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SimLOOK2 Report by Kimmy's Town

Updated Jan 09, 2005 [day 4+5]

Happenings day 5:
Rizza's Day 5:

- when she finally woke up, she prepared food gaining 1 cooking point
- she suddenly went next to Annabella and got into fight, all of a sudden lol
- she made group meal afterwards, served it, but now the weird thing, she obviously didn't wanna eat with Annabella on same table and went outside instead! LOL
- went to work
- when she came back, she made meal with salmon and gained 1500 AP
- took care of Robert a bit, then joined Charles in drinking espresso
- but the result was neither good nor bad one, cos they both agreed and disagreed while talking
- danced all along, first alone and then with Charles later
Relationship changes with:
Charles: 81/81
Robert: 42/42
Benjamin: -87/25
Annabella: -98/4

Annabella's Day 5:
- OMG stop turning stereo on when baby tries to sleep on the kitchen floor! (poor baby without crib)
- got into fight with Rizza and cried
- 1 cooking point up
- after eating and doing some greening up, she went to work
- when came back, slept in Benjamin's bed
- woke up in the morning, started greening
Relationship changes with:
Benjamin: 96/96
Charles: 47/47
Robert: 13/16
Rizza: -17/-15

Benjamin's Day 5:
- went to work (too low aspiration level though)
- when he came back, he ran out of his energy so fell down to ground
- after 6 hours or so, he finally woke up and went to Rizza's room to relax on bed
- thank God he didn't have low hunger level cos I really can't stand him eating 5 times a day! lol
- when comfort level fulfilled more or less, he did other things to green himself up
- went to sleep in his room
Relationship changes with:
Annabella: 93/93
Rizza: 77/77
Robert: 35/26
Charles: 8/8

Charles' Day 5:
- he had a free day today
- watched TV with Annabella then feeded Robert twice (although what the baby needed was changing diaper!)
- held the baby for some time
- after nanny came, he gave Robert to her and prepared food to eat
- did some cleaning (he really likes clean house)
- he even interacted with nanny to gain social
- but afterwards was accused by nanny (probably because baby was crying due to lack of sleep, stereo was on)
- then he took care of Robert, even turned stereo off (but that's obviously because he was sleepy hehehe)
- he just went for espresso (twice) instead of going to bed
- still he managed to be the greenest in the morning, so he called to hire nanny, this time not for whole day but according to his schedule
Relationship changes with:
Robert: 37/27
Rizza: -62/26
Annabella: 32/25
Benjamin: -74/-42

Robert's Day 5:
- he was in very bad mood because no one wanted to change his diaper until nanny came finally
- Robert was well fed by nanny and Charles, hunger level never seems to be problem for him
- wanted to sleep but couldn't because of loud music, until Charles turned it off
- tomorrow he'll grow up into toddler!

Comments day 5:
Another day without much trouble. Very happy to see that they're doing fine. Except Benjamin, I mean his aspiration level is really low, red level 1 now. So I guess I will discuss about the aspirations today.
And here goes the new discovery I had: popularity sims are the hardest to satisfy aspiration-wise in their free-will.
Because they constantly need partying, inviting others, getting acquanted with new people, making new friends, etc.
And none of those is available now. So Benjamin's aspiration needs are never satisfied. Even when he gets such needs as flirting/talking/having fun with Annabella, she is never at home because she works mainly in nighttime now.
Aspiration-wise, obviously the knowledge sims are the easiest to satisfy, they at least can gain cooking skill points in their free will.
And if those knowledge sims have neat personality, then it's even better because they'd get additional cleaning points too.
Romance sim's aspiration needs are difficult to satisfy too, just like popularity sim. Annabella had initially higher aspiration level than others I think, that's why she can manage to keep it at green level so far.
Family sim, which is Charles, has hard time as his family members are not present in the house. And he has very bad relationships with almost everyone in the house. So he can't get much aspiration points from socializing with roomies. His level is at zero, in between red/green state.
So Rizza and Annabella are the ones now who can keep her aspiration level at least in green state. Baby-sitting-wise, no one ever bathed Robert nor played with him yet, so I suppose Robert must have low level of fun and hygiene now...
Still, he doesn't seem to have any serious problem preventing him from growing up into toddler.
Let's see what happens tomorrow then. ;)

Happenings day 4:
Rizza's Day 4:
- she did very well taking care of baby
- but HAD to neglect Robert putting on the floor for a while, because she had to green herself up too
- then she went to work (she didn't need to stay home as nanny was there)
- when she came back, she got promoted but was too tired (big event last night after all ^_^)
- fainted, fell down to the ground and lost lots of APs!
- after some nice 6-7 hours, she finally got up
- she was in desperately low mood level but managed somehow to green up and went to sleep in her room
Relationship changes with:
Charles: 85/85
Robert: 44/44
Benjamin: -89/34
Annabella: -96/16

Annabella's Day 4:
- well she woke up and did greening up herself
- seemed to be far more interested in cleaning up than taking care of poor Robert
- she did hug the baby, but obviously only because of low social, cos prior to that she wanted to dance with Rizza but Rizza was too busy for that
- no matter how hard the baby cried, she did things she wanted to make her feel better
- went to work, she got chance card gaining 1 charisma point
- when she came back, she again did everything to keep her stats high
- so as the greenest in the morning, she called to hire nanny for whole day
Relationship changes with:
Banjamin: 98/98
Charles: 43/43
Robert: 15/25
Rizza: -4/-4

Benjamin's Day 4:
- went to work
- chance card and got demoted!
- so he had to come back home at about noon
- cried a lot, was so sad about his demotion
- he did take care of baby, but he just feeds the baby too much!!!
- he ate 3 meals, watched TV and went to sleep in his room
Relationship changes with:
Annabella: 95/95
Rizza: 79/79
Robert: 37/17
Charles: 10/10

Charles' Day 4:
- it was his normal working day
- when he came back, wow, he did gardening! o_O
- only when he couldn't do it anymore due to low mood level, he stopped
- greened himself fully and went to sleep in Annabella's room
Relationship changes with:
Rizza: -75/35
Robert: 35/17
Annabella: 19/19
Benjamin -76/-33

Robert's Day 4 (actually his day 1 but I will stick to everyone else's pattern):
- he seemed quite unhappy because no one wanted to change his stinky diaper!
- finally nanny came, but she also was busy cleaning the house along with the maid
- got diaper changed by nanny, bottle-fed (maybe too many times today)
- poor baby was on the floor trying to sleep, yet failing because of stereo being turned on and off all the time!

Comments day 4:
Ok, so generally this day was quite trouble-free one. ;)
I noticed that no one except nanny wanted to change the baby's diaper. They're also quite carelss about stereo playing loud when baby tries to sleep. In short, they don't seem to understand exactly what it is the baby wants!
And one discovery I made was that romance and popularity sims care less about the baby than other aspiration sims.
Or it might actually depend on their personality rather than aspiration? Might be nice/grouchy character that plays the role here too. But about that, I will have to investigate for more days :D
One interesting thing, Annabella might be furious about her step-mother Rizza (and vice versa) but has nothing against her step-brother, although she doesn't do anything particular to take care of the baby either.
My prediction so far is that the baby will definitely manage to grow up into toddler without having to see social worker)

Happenings day 3:
Rizza's Day 3:
- OMG poor poor her trying to sleep when bladder level is so low
- she woke up and went to Annabella's room to sleep, only to wake up again and pee on the floor (-1000 AP)
- went to Charles' room to sleep this time, again woke up and went to take shower
- she was then going to prepare food but failed because she was just too tired
- on the way to go to sleep again, she noticed Benjamin kissing Annabella, so she got mad and slapped him hard
- now she probably regained energy to prepare food (jealousy-motivated hahaha), so she ate and did other things to green herself
- BIG EVENT! Finally Robert was born to this world, Vince and Rizza's son, Annabella's step-brother!
- she was holding the baby for 2 hours (!) without doing anything, then gave it to Charles
- after 1.5 hour (she was looking at Charles holding Robert during that whole time), she took Robert back again
- after some time (and this is weird, they don't do anything except holding the baby!) gave to Charles again
- afterwards, when Charles put Robert down onto floor, she took him and fed with bottle.
Relationship changes with:
Charles: 87/87
Robert: 46/40
Benjamin: -91/40
Annabella: -98/22

Annabella's Day 3:
- she was off work today
- she did pretty well keeping her stats high
- even played nintendo with Benjamin (I personally thought she wasn't the type who plays video games, but wth!!??)
- napped on recliner
- later in the evening, she was scared by Vince's ghost (Vince was wandering around cos he wanted to see his son, I guess)
- did cleaning (as always)
- she then went to sleep in her room so missed big event - birth of her step-brother Robert
- in the morning she was the greenest, so she called to hire nanny for whole day
Relationship changes with:
Benjamin: 100/100
Charles: 45/44
Robert: 17/31
Rizza: -6/-6

Benjamin's Day 3:
- he was off work today too
- he generally spent his free day nicely, played nintendo with Annabella, watched TV, etc.
- minor minus was the fact that he was slapped by Rizza
- he even carried out the garbage (this was shocking news for that kind of lazy and sloppy person!)
- watched big event with joy and immediately went to sleep in Rizza's room (seemed to care about baby less than others)
Relationship changes with:
Annabella: 97/97
Rizza: 81/79
Charles: 12/15
Robert: 31/9

Charles' Day 3:
- he was off work today
- he spent pleasant free day, seemed to enjoy it with others
- watched TV, played nintendo or watched others playing
- generally doing cool keeping stats high
- napped on sofa until Robert's birth
- he actually seemed to be the most caring person when it comes to baby
- he spent 6-7 hours helping Rizza to hold the baby, non-stop, not even going to toilet
- afterwards when he was too tired, he went to sleep in his room
Relationship changes with:
Rizza: -77/41
Annabela: 21/21
Robert: 37/11
Benjamin: -78/-27

Comments day 3:
All 4 of them spent their day off work pleasantly. It surely seemed to be a lot better than normal working days.
They had plenty of time to enjoy, fun, social interactions, well generally to green up.
But the disadvantage I noticed is that some of them tend to "destroy" relationships. No wonder why though, when such weird emotional bonds are involved.
Another discovery: noticed that sleeping would be possible only when none of other stats is in red. Those stats other than sleep must be at least in yellow level to grant peaceful sleeping.
One more thing, the sloppy sims would at least carry out garbage, if not cleaning or doing dishes, but ONLY in case they're fully green and don't have anything else to do! :))
Hope that the baby will not have problems with growing up properly. But I think it'd be very much possible because I can be pretty sure that at least Charles and Rizza would not let the baby be in danger. :)

Happenings day 2:
Rizza's 2nd Day:
- woke up from sleeping on sofa, ate something then went to her bed sleeping whole day
- in the evening she saw Vince's ghost, he scared her and she got 3000+ AP
- hit Benjamin twice for kissing Annabella
- got bigger belly and went to sleep
- got nightmare, woke up in the middle of the night
- strange behavior, making coffee and not knowing where to sit to drink that coffee, etc.
- but finally went to sleep again in Annabella's room
- omg! she still can't sleep normally, woke up again
- prepared something to eat
Relationship changes with:
Charles: 89/89
Benjamin: -85/67
Anna: -96/34

Annabella's 2nd Day:
- went to work and came back promoted
- did some social (negative) with Rizza
- did some cleaning
- napped on sofa
- coffee, some fun
- overall good stats (was considering her to call service but Charles excelled again)
Relationship changes with:
Benjamin: 100/84
Charles: 39/30
Rizza: -13/-3

Benjamin's 2nd Day:
- went to work, got promoted
- took bills and placed onto Rizza's desk
- nothing special, doing stuffs to keep stats high
- Charles denied most Benjamin's social attempts towards him
- kissed Annabella twice in front of Rizza and was hit by her each time :)
- went to sleep to Charles' room
Relationship changes with:
Annabella: 100/100
Rizza: 83/90
Charles: 22/25

Charles' 2nd Day:
- did some cleaning and went to work
- then made food which was left on the table by Annabella yesterday
- gained 1 cooking point and 1000+ AP
- ate rotten food
- did everything necessary to keep his stats the highest of all 4
- loves cleaning
- he called the maid at about 7am
Relationship changes with:
Rizza: -79/53
Annabella: 16/20
Benjamin: -97/-15

Comments day 2:
Ok, so I think so far Charles is doing really well. Cos 2 days in a row, in the mornings he was the greenest of all 4.
And this is interesting, he has real low relationship with all of them 3 and still can manage his social keep high :)
Umm... I personally like Charles and Annabella a lot. Off to play 3rd day now.

Happenings day 1:
Rizza's 1st Day:
- was too hungry that even ate rotten food,
- then it wasn't enough for her so she was gonna prepare fresh food but carpool arrived
- going to work, she left the food on the stove, FIRE!
- when came back from work work she ate that burnt and rotten food again
- her belly got bigger, so she won't go to work from now on
- kissed with Benjamin in front of Charles and got hit by Charles!
- went to sleep on sofa
Relationship changes with:
Benjamin: 100/100
Charles: 85/80
Annabelle: 38/38

Annabella's 1st Day:
- went to work
- came back from work and grieved a lot (with oocasional social with Benjamin)
- finally stopped grieving when she was in desperate need of going to toilet
- prepared group meal, ate, went to sleep in her bedroom
Relationship changes with:
Benjamin: 97/71
Charles: 38/21
Rizza: 1/1

Benjamin's 1st Day:
- off work today, woke up because of fire alarm
- neighbors came but he didn't greet them
- swimmed a bit and started grieving over Vince
- wanted to cook but couldn't because of the burnt food left on the stove
- so instead, he ate that burnt and rotten food
- prepared the food again and ate
- ate Annabella's food too (maybe this guy ate too much today!)
- went to sleep in Charles' room
Relationship changes with:
Rizza: 100/100
Annabella: 100/97
Charles: 28/28

Charles' 1st Day:
- went to work and when he came back he was too tired
- went to sleep on Annabella's bed
- he was doing fine for whole day keeping his stats high except that he was angry about Rizza
- he called the repairman next morning at about 6:50am (dishwasher broken).
Relationship changes:
Rizza: -84/61
Annabella: 22/12
Benjamin: -100/-6

Comments day 1:
So far, they're doing just fine. I never observed Sims in their free will, I am quite surprised about the
results! :) The only problem is that black jealousy hahaha, which I find quite amusing! I am not sure if it's related to the sim's personality but Benjamin seemed to be the only one who LOVES turning the stereo on. I also found out that Annabella and Charles are fond of espresso, they'd prefer drinking coffee than taking a quick nap. I am worried about Rizza, because she'll obviously give birth on 3rd day of the project, and I am not allowed to buy stuffs for baby! o_O