Advisor |
Local food produce, restaurants and bars. Managing Restaurant
Via Victor. |
91-105: 0 Gobelin [Council]
simday 76-90: 0 Gobelin
simday 61-75: Phillion Montpellier
simday 46-60: Bart Gobelin
simday 31-45: Remington
H. Beartop [Council]
simday 16-30: Angela M.
Gobelin [Council] |
area has a total of 25 farm rights. Each Farm right allows for up to 10
plots of one specific product. The farm right holder must deliver 60 products
to Mervil Market every 5th simday in order to keep the right. Anyone can
grow up to 10 plots unrestricted, and having 4 farm rights open for unrestricted
produce on top of the 4 rights. |
Advisor - Simmerville Hood Council
Simday 94: Need to inspect local Food
Expo plans
The annual Food expo is about
to start. June (garden), July (kitchen) and August (table) will be just
like previous years. No changes needed. But I realize we could have advertised
the Food Expo better. I heard there are locals not even knowing what it
is. I will call the owners of Johanna's Kitchen, Via Victor and the Bus
Station, to discuss advertiing and their plans.
Should add that 3 farm rights were withdrawn due to lack of deliveries.
Mrs. Marbes Mervil at 1 Mervil Farm has lost 1 lemon right, and Mr. Bross
Mervil at 2 Mervil Farm has lost 1 apple right an 1 orange right. Personally
I think we could have given those involved a second chance, but Mervil
Market's manager, Mr. S. Gobelin, says no. The withdrawn rights can be
bought for §1000 each, but this far nobody has requested them.
Advisor - Simmerville Hood Council
Simday 90: Farm Rights evaluated
I have followed the farm
rights system rather closely for almost 15 simdays, and it seems to work
well. There have been a few issues with rented lots, because the farm right
is connected to the lot and not the lot owner, it's hard to claim the produce
when a house for rent is left vacant.
Now that we had a weekday
adjustment on simday 90 all farming households will deliver their produce
on the same simday. This will be too much for the system to handle, besides
there will be little to do on the other days of the week. We need to debate
whether each farm right should have its own delivery day, or if each product
should have its own day.
Advisor - Simmerville Hood Council
Simday 77: Farm Rights adjusted
I'm the new Culinary Advisor,
I'm also on the Hood Council, and I started this job on simday 76 (Age
of Seasons).
Sim Nation has dictated a
new directive for local food produce. Each hood that implements this routine
will have Farm Rights that locals can buy to grow food beyond the 10 tiles
that every household can grow without holding a farm right. The total number
of farm rights is 0.5 per residential lot (occupied or not). For Simmerville
this equals to 25 farm rights which is 5 fewer than the current number.
The good thing is that it now takes 4 and not 5 rights to have full farm
0 farm rights: The lot can
produce unrestricted produce up to 10 ground tiles.
1-4 farm rights: The lot
can produce additional 10 tiles per right, and each right ties to one specific
kind of produce. If the lot has a pole beans right, it need to produce
up to 10 plots of pole beans.
Full farm rights: A lot
with 4 specific farm rights can grow unlimited produce beyond. There is
no restrictions to the additional produce, only to the produce that connects
to each of those specific rights.
House A owns no farm rights
and can grow 10 plots of whatever crops they want. In order to grow more
than those 10, they need to buy farm rights. House A buys 1 Strawberry
farm right and one Apples farm right. This allows house A to grow up to
10 strawberry plants and up to 10 apple trees. They can choose to keep
growing 10 various produce based on the no-rights right, but they can also
choose to grow only the 10 strawberry and 10 apple.
If house A buys additional
2 farm rights (ie tomatoe and eggplant) they will achieve full farm rights.
This means they will need to grow up to 10 strawberries, 10 apple trees,
10 tomatoe and 10 eggplants according to the farm rights, but they can
also start growing unlimited produce of whatever they want. It might take
a large family or live-in employees to grow that much, though.
When a lot owns a farm right
they need to use it. Using it means they need to sell minimum 2 crates
of the specific produce per simday to the local market or to any other
farmers' agent. A lot can owe up to 4 crates while growing the produce.
Packing and selling crates instead of selling directly to the "non specific
market" while harvesting, secures this food to reach local stores, and
the farmer will also get paid 5% more. Anyone can sell crates of food,
but the market/agents will not accept deliveries counting less than 10
crates. To sell this way, invite the agent ower and give the crates as
a gift, then make notes of the value and make surew there is a money transfer.
This adjustment will only
affect the current farm right owners.
Hood Council - Culinary Advisor
Simday 61: New
This might be my chance to
contribute to the future. Food is not only what we eat but what we think
and talk about.
Hood - Culinary Advisor
Simday 60: Food Expo
The annual Food Expo has
started and will last for 3 local simdays. The main location is Mervil
Market, which is my business, so I found it was a good time to transfer
the lot to my son, making me less inhabile to any matters concerning Food
expo and the Mervil Market.
We have arranged for a few
booths showing kitchen applications, a lemonade stand for kids, and there
is a small bbq area. Tomorrow there will be a new exhibition with food
related photos by my wife, Sylvia L. Gobelin who is the only local artist
with a camera. The market is small, and it's no park area, but a very old
trades market. But I still think we managed to bring on the Food Expo feeling
Hood - Culinary Advisor
Simday 46: Too long opening hours?
Waiters complain the restaurants
are constantly open. They hardly get a break, and no sleep. I will need
to look at this, I thought our local establissments were serious and less
stressed than downtown restaurants.
The hood has got only 2 restaurants,
the one at Mervil Market and the new one at the Bus Station. In addition
there are a few espresso bars and regular bars.
H. Beartop
Council - Member
Simday 43: New restaurant
At the new bus station there
is a new restaurant. The lot is owned and operated by the hood, and we
suggest the restaurant to be local and simple. They serve all kinds of
food, but because it's combined with a store and Sims come and go, it is
not a luxurious place and I heard the food quality is so-so. It will do,
The announced Café
Cornell never opened a new restaurant, instead it expanded to include a
night club with dancing. They still serve only drinks and espresso.
Finally, the grocery store
at Mervil Market was upgraded and is now offering a lot more. There is
also sold groceries at Old Hunter's Lodge as well as Mini Shopping.
H. Beartop
Council - Member
Simday 40: Restaurants of the hood
After the NL deal was recently
signed, only one small restaurant was established, at the Mervil Market
(operated by Bart Gobelin). It has only 2 tables and a couple counter seats,
and is always full. In addition there is a new bar at Via Victor (operatd
by Samba Luna Hanssen).
In the near future there
is plans for Café Cornell to expand from espresso only to a trendy
restaurant with dancing. The owner, Bimbi O. Ballong, has been told that
the establishment might need to move to another lot, but that the hood
will make all arrangements required. The reason is that the current address
is needed for the Mervil Family's family graveyard, besides the lot is
really big and we prefer smaller lots for community esatablishments.
H. Beartop
Council - Member
Simday 31: A culinary review
It's not included with the
local deals yet to run community lot restaurants. even so, there are a
few locations where it is possible to grill hot dogs and burgers, at the
Gym location Via Victor, and the recreation park, Andrew's Stroll. In addition
we have of course the popular home based restaurant "Johanna's Kitchen",
now run by Esther H. Grumblin. We also have several cafees, they serve
coffee at Lake Ellie's Cultural Retreat, Mervil Market and Café
Cornell. We don't have any local bars, strange.
Is this enough? Except from
the lack of bars, I think we should have a few restaurants established
in the near future. The Age of Pleasure ought to include dining away from
This Summer there will also
be the annual "Food Expo". It was initiated by a local (Mrs Grumblin) years
ago, I think it might be my job to make sure we participate this year,
M. Gobelin
Hood Council - Member
Simday 28: We have two new community
Both Lake Ellie's Cultural
Retreat and Café Cornell are popular places where romantic sims
seem to love. I think they are both a success. In the upcoming Age of Pleasure
we should also make room for a nightclub and a restaurant. Even if locals
can drive to the downtown area, it would make sense oiffering a couple
local locations too.
M. Gobelin
Hood Council - Member
Simday 22: New community lots required
New community lots are required
when we allow for new food treats. There will be sandwiches, coffee and
well, perhaps even more. I think this hood needs a location where families
can eat out. We might even need a community location focusing on food!
We will need at least 3 different locations to serve the varity of interests.
I will have a look at this shortly.
We also need a new sports
center or gym. I think Via Victor or Andrew's Stroll would be good locations.
M. Gobelin
Hood Council - Member
Simday 5: Network level of the hood
I checked the current sistuation
for Simmerville, and found this:
Giant networth (§101000
or more): 4
High networth (§50001-§100000):
Average networth (§25001-§50000):
Poor networth (§25000
or less): 10
The 4 giants are Brion Mervil,
Sven Hornsby, Stewart Gobelin, Clive Appleton (Association for Unfailrly
Jailed Sims). I'm quite happy with the picture. It seems this gorgeous
hood has a fair balance between rich and poor.
M. Gobelin
Hood Council - Member
Simday 4: Networth values paid
Today we paid all households
what they should have to reach the same networth that they left back in
the flat world. A few households had already got a higher networth than
they should, but we are not able to reduce it without a lot of fuss. So
we decided to let them keep it all, we are not talking big money anyway.
Ballong: §5000
Beartop: §19000
Briggon: §8000
Hanssen: §2000
Hedgewood: §5000
Hornsby: §65000
Jones: §9000
Loveless: §36000 (+
we owe them §10000)
Simpley: §12000
Valentino: §20000