Simmerville Hood administration :x: Households
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2 New Simmer Lane

This house was built 6 simdays after TS2 by John Stello. The 1 floor house plan is designed to house two generations. 3 bedroom sections allows flexible sollutions where doors to the middle section can be moved to connect that room to whatever side needed. There is a total of 4 bedrooms but there are 2 more rooms that can also be used for bedrooms if needed. The middle section bedrooms are big and can even be divided if needed. Each of the 2 generations use their own bathroom. The combined living/kitchen is huge, and there is a study and a bathroom.
Recent Households
3. (51-): Pernold Light
2. (21-50): Hale Light
1. (6-20): John Stello (from 6 Test Lane)
Recent Owners
3. (51-): Pernold Light (son of 2)
2. (21-50): Hale Light (stepson of 1)
1. (6-20): John Stello