Simmerville Hood administration :x: Households
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2 Simmer Heights

This lovely residence was built on simday 82 by Dr. Elton Tammer. Large rooms and a great view. Downstairs there is the livingroom, diningroom, large kitchen, hobby room, office, bathroom and hallway. Upstairs there is 3 big bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and the hallway is large enough for some functions too. There is a terrace on each floor.

Farm rights: none.
Recent Households
1. (82-): Dr. Elton Tammer, from 7 Test Lane
Recent Owners
4. (82-): Dr. Elton Tammer (sale)
3. (x-81): Petunia Gobelin (dtr of 2)
2. (27-x): Bart Gobelin (son of 1)

1. (1-26): Angela M. Gobelin