Life Line
In one day my plan has succeeded! Divorce! Day 79, 40 simdays old (October 29, 2007) I'll chek with somone on the SUN boards. I musst make shore that I got it right! That tomorrow I've been marrid to Pernold for 10 simdays, and then when I break up I will gett 50% of all our belongings! I had nothing when we marrid, so I'm doing great bussiness here! Ha! Sandy called today, she was starting a local romance too, but she jusst found out that Mr Troll Swims has tooo small money. Not worth 10 days of marriage! So, Sandy and I will move together. I don't think I will take little baby Harbin with me. Sandy and all the monnee will be nuff for me! |
In a few days I will have half hiss monee! Day 74, 35 simdays old (March 31, 2007) Ha, we are married!!! I only need counting the days now and ten I wil be hjolding 50% of Pernold's fortune in my hands!!!! Ha ha, so easy! Then I will divorce and if Sandy suvcesses too, we will move far away. Pernold owns good shares in a downtown company, Body & Soul or sumething like that. He wants us to have a baby, it mite mess up things for me, but maybe he will be suspitius if I don't want a baby? Well, when I leave he can keep it, haha! Oh, I quit my job and now I works as cashier at Gobelin Fashion. The new manager is from the wealtiest fam of Simmerville, Petunia Gobelin. She is about to marry the son of the spokes sim, and I can't help thinkin abut all their nice money! I better find a way to steal something from her business... |
My plan is abut to succeed! Day 69, 30 simdays old (December 26, 2006) Had no idea it would be this easey! I discussed it with my good friend Sandy B, and we agreed to get married to someone rich and then divorce in 10 simdays. The regional law says that after 10 simdays both sims will share every possessions equally, 50/50 unless there are speciall testaments etc. So, why not! I want money, and someone wants me! That someone is Pernold Light of Simmerville. He already proposed engagement, and if i push the right buttons we will marry in no time! Yahaaa! Sandy B isn't as lucky, so I sent her ovber to Simborough or Apple Valley, heard there are some rich single men there too! |