Secret Diary  

Rene Light (82)
Lion: Energic, social.
Aspiration: Knowledge
LifeTimeWant: Become criminal mastermind

Resident, Medicine

Fairly well skilled
Best skills: .
Public school, A+

Grey + Paper + Stripes


No hobby registered

No membership registered


My family tree
All family tree indexes

My home
All Simmerville households

My parents:


My spouse(s):

My children:

Life Line
Born at 7 Test Lane, Simmerville
6 Grew up very well, Precocious Preschooler
14 Grew up very well, Child Prodigy, KNOWLEDGE
22 Test Subject, Science
23 Father Pale Light died (66), main heir to §40257
26-29 Sim State University, Mathematics 3.5
27 Saved Luphold Frocks from death
30 Paramedic, Medicine
32 Nurse, Medicine
35 Intern, Medicine
36 Resident, Medicine
37 Landlord Simbille Ballong died (78)
38 Moved to rent 5 Test Lane
38 Mom Rispella Light moved in (74)
38 Mom, Rispella died (74)
43 Engaged to Heather Danaher
44 Moved to 22 Minduza Lane, DT
44 Founded Craft & Business School
47 Married Heather Danaher (32)
51 Son Peter Light born
53 Specialist, Medicine
56 Daughter Hurtelia Light born
58 Grew up well, 35skills 4badges
59 Retired
82 Lives at 22 Minduza Lane

I moved, mom joined, now I'm all alone
Day 53, 40 simdays old (April 29, 2006)
That was my headline. Simerin Ballong graduated just after old Mr Ballong doed. They needed me no longer, I moved to rent the starter home at 5 Test Lane. Mom moved in with me, and the house was actually nocely equipped. Then mom died on her first day, and I've lived there alone ever since. I work as Resident, wanted to apply for a job at the local Medical Center, I even go well along with the owner, Mathilda Swims. But they need no employees, not enough money in it yet, she said. I have not met Florice again, but we talk on the phone. I did meet another woman lately, Heather Danaher. We might be dating soon. It's a pity she lives downtown, too far away.

I'm still renting at 2 Cabbage Road
Day 48, 35 simdays old (February 25, 2006)
The Ballong family's son finaly went to campus, and his mom, Bimbi, died. I know she was a real celebrity, but I'm too young to really feel any loss. I never talked a lot with her because she mostly was over at her Club Cornell. Well, today I talked with a woman walking by, Florice Nightingale. She workes with medicine too. I wonder if she can help me with a better job? I'm Intern now. Mom still lives at 7 Test Lane, all alone. I know I should find my own house as soon as Simerin Ballong graduates, then mom can move in with me.

Moved again
Day 43, 30 simdays old (December 10, 2005)
Just after dad died I went to college. I studied well, got graduated, and returned to Simmerville. But because mom only rents the house at 7 Test Lane I have no right to inherite the house. So I better find somewhere else to stay, while mom and my youngest brother Paddie still live at Test Lane. First I wanted to rent the garage flat from Hedrian Appleton's new house. But then the Ballong household invited me to rent a room from them. They needed someone to reside the house while their only child Simerin Ballong is at college. Both Simbille and Bimbi Ballong are elders and they might pass any day. Simerin is still at home. I like it here, I got a good room upstairs, and I udse the house like I want. I pay only §200 per simday but they cover my taxes and food, so I think it's a good deal.

Dad died, I'm still not on campus!
Day 38, 25 simdays old (September 25, 2005)
I knew he was old, but I was a bit shocked anyway seing him pass away. I'm his main heir, so I get 75% of his stuff, thats quite okay! I cant move back in here at 7 Test Lane though because its a rental house and I dont inherite this house. I knoe thats life, and stuff, and well - I miss my old dad. I've studied enouh to get a scholarship, it was hard, but I'm ready for University, but others got more grants than me so I need to wait...

I'll show them all!
Day 33, 20 simdays old (July 24, 2005)
I decided to succeed! I'll max out all my skills, I'll reach a top (somewhere) and I'll be either a scientist or a doctor! Mom got this cool training bench because she works as a general practioner, so she tought me about medicine and how to repair a body. Ahhhh, it's disgusting! I had to put my hand into that dead plastic body! Ahhh! Well, perhaps I'll not be a doctor anyway, but I still want to do well! In a couple days I'll go to University, and I'll show them how a poor Test Lane sim can graduate with honors!

I feel ready
Day 28, 15 simdays old (June 8, 2005)
Ready to read a lot, to get a much better education than mom and dad, and I want to move elsewhere. Love my brothers. Not so fond of the neighbours here in Test Lane. It's absolutily no pity that I am not allowed to inherit this house. I have not decided if I stay in Simmerville or move elsewhere. I want a library! I want a good university grade! Oh, wait... dad was a testsim, he is divorced. Mom is a Resident when she isn't having dad's kids, they have money but never made it real big. So maybe I should juzt wait a few simdays and make up my mind then? I heard sims from this lane don't do well...

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