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Sims AstroLOVE: male testsims
September 28, 2003 - by Claire Brybrey, Sims Science

We need your help to pick 4 male testsims for the Sims AstroLOVE project. We need one aries, one taurus, one gemini and one pisces. Go to the project's new page and cast your votes! You can also subscribe for news on the project.

8 male testsims volunteered for the Sims AstroLOVE project and we now need help picking the best candidates for the project. Would you help us? Please check them out and vote until October 5th.

Next week we will need your help picking 4 female testsims. If you are a male testsim we are happy to announce that you did make it to the candidates list. If you are female it was a lot harder to get through because many more volunteers. Next week you will find out who the 8 females up for voting are.

Go directly to male testsims voting page
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