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Claire Brybrey
I'm a member of Sims Science, and I will be the head for the AstroLOVE project.

You can contact us at

Apply to join AstroLOVE

Yes, I want to apply for the testsim job!

IMPORTANT: Do you live in a hood with Studio Town access thee might be problems signing up, please read more info on this below before you sign up.

Before you fill out this form please read the article as you by applying will accept all the requirements! Also note that we might experience problems welcoming you if you live in a hood with Studio Town access.

Your name:

Your e-mail address:
Note: If you don't fill in your mail address your application will get cancelled.

Your astrological sign:
Note that *only* Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Pisces can apply.

Origin (name of neighbourhood):
Note: Neighbourhood must be registered with SUN.

A brief description including sex, age, body size, personality, interests etc. (max 10 lines)
Note: This text will be publicized on Simmerville web when the voting starts October 1st..

Remember to send yourself and a picture (preferably taken during your dressing routine while wearing your favourite outfit) to

All applicants will be contacted on September 30th.

You will not be able to travel to us if you live in a Studio Town hood, if you wear a Maxis made make-up. If you wear a custom made make-up and are able to send us the make-up seperately (no .fam but 3 items that is your head) we will be able to recreate you for the project.

The SimLOOK project's main page



Sims AstroLOVE

Is it true that Aries sims fall in love with Taurus, while they are repelled by both Pisces and Gemini sims? Sims Science announces their new project, Sims AstroLove, which will involve 8 sims as test subjects and you as the scientist!

The AstroLOVE will be less ambitious than the SimLOOK project that closed February 2003. This time we will not focus on every single action like counting how often testsims water plants or do dishes, but look at the relations only. Involving 2 Aries, 2 Taurus, 2 Geminis and 2 Pisces, each represented by 1 female and 1 male sim, we want to find out if sims really are attracted or repelled as according to Sim Astrology.

Daily events in the AstroLOVE house

The testsims will be acting by their free will, but every simday at noon they will be given a command based on what the situation is like. These commands will be decided by you!

The daily task will be anything from jumping into the love tub together with another testsim, to be going to Old Town to buy a pet! We have also hired actors to represent the Goths, the Hicks, the Burbs, the Pleasants and other well known families, in order to build a normal neighbourhood around the project. These families might interrupt with the testsims by visiting the AstroLOVE house, or they might not. Half way into the project there will even be delivered a Magic tool kit!

All in all we are pretty sure the AstroLOVE project will be packed with events, and from a scientific point of view these events will hopefully affect on the relations, indirectly. With plenty of input, we should find the astrological patterns in the relationships as they grow.

You can participate in many ways!

Are you a testsim? Are you a scientist? Or are you simply in love?

Sim AstroLOVE will involve the simmish community in many ways. Firstly, any sim meeting the requirements can apply for a job as one of the 8 testsims hired for this project.

As the project goes on, you can help deciding the testsims' daily task by voting on what testsim that should be given which command. Every week 2 more simdays will be reported with a mix of scientific facts and a general soap observation. We at Sims Science will stay as neutral as possible, leaving it to you to take on the role as scientists searching the reports for evidence of your theory or simply commenting on the latest development!

Testsims must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be an adult sim
  • You must be either Aries, Taurus, Gemini or Pisces.
  • You must have at least one skill point in each category (cooking, mechanics etc), but not more than 15 skill points as a total.
  • You must agree to spending time in the AstroLOVE house for the time of the project, which is probably 10 weeks (25 sim days), but which might take even longer. If you survive you will return alone to your hood with no paycheque, but with fans all over Sim Nation. We will provide you with a unique AstroLOVE souvenir.
  • Your memory will be erased electronically before leaving the house, make sure to write down what you like to remember when you return from this job. 
  • You must travel to us (.fam) and send along a photo (as well as your makeup if needed). It might cause problems if you come from a hood with Studio Town access, but we might be able to find solutions.
  • You must accept whatever clothes we find for you. In the project your astrological sign will be assigned with a colour which will be a theme for your room and on your clothes. It doesn't matter if you are colour blind.
  • You must accept sharing room with one other testsim of your own astrological sign, oposite sex. You will be sleeping in separate beds and you will not be seen as a couple emotionally or technically, only astrologically. You will be allowed to switch bedroom partner at any time during the project. 
  • You must accept to follow directions given by the audience (=scientists) of the AstroLOVE project. We will control that directions will not be dangerous by intention, but we can not guarantee their consequences.
  • You must accept that this job might be the last job you ever do. Security installs like smoke detectors with each fireplace and stove, but accidents might still occur.
  • Project schedule:

    September 15-30: 
    Testsims applications are accepted
    We are preparing the AstroLOVE house. The house will be presented September 30.

    October 1-15:
    Vote for what testsims you want to see in the project.
    Vote for 1 of 3 interior alternatives per room. If you like to design one of the alternatives, please contact us before september 25th to get the room size, colour scheme and other details.

    October 16-31:
    Testsims will go through 14 days with internal preparations. On October 16 starts the voting on what commands there will be given. You can vote on what testsim to get the command, and what command to be given. Each day of the project at noon we pick the testsim and activity with the most votes and reset those two barometers. You can read about the result in the next report. You will also be welcome to suggest more commands as we will occasionally replace the one with least votes.

    November 1:
    Project starts, with the first report to follow.