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Maxis scientists have a great tool for your local Body Shop clinic! Click the image for a free copy!

Body Shop - our future physique 
March 27, 2004 - by Claire Brybrey

Body Shop assistance wanted!
May 5, 2004 - by Claire Brybrey

So many sims reside in Simmerville that they now ask for help to prepare some of them for the new dimensional future! Perhaps your local Body Shop clinic can help?

Personally I don't live in Simmerville at all. And being a scientist I would prefer staying in charge of my own recreation, as we call it when a sim is prepared for the future. But the Simmerville contains so many individuals that they are now requesting assistance in the recreation process. And I offered to help them co-ordinating this project that starts today!

First, let us get one thing straight: the future dimension do require a completely new creation of any sim who wants to move on. It is not possible - as far as we know - to do surgery on existing sims, but they need to be created all over. However, clever doctors and scientists will be able to study a current sim's characteristics, attitude and expression, and base the new creation on those observations. That is what I refer to as a recreation.

The future is both exciting and scaring. In Simmerville there will naturally be a local Body Shop clinic to handle most of the requests, but assistants is wanted.

5 simmervillians to be recreated
The deal is that your local Body Shop clinic can recreate 5 simmervillians. Who will that be? Well, it's up to you and others who will vote, starting today! There are 5 groups and one sim from each group will be chosen. You can vote on Simmerville's regular survey site. Perhaps you have already read about some of those locals and have a favourite. If not look around on the site, check out their Family Tree, and prepare!

As soon as 5 sims are chosen there will be provided details on those sims' personality, interests, attitude etc., all in all for you to lean to while recreating them. You will mainly work on their looks, but it always helps to know what kind of a sim it is. We will make sure you know them pretty well before you recreate them! Voting will be ongoing until May 30th and starting June 10th we will provide information on a new sim regularly until all 5 have been presented.

The recreated sim will pick the 3 best recreations to be presented on Simmerville web, and his/her friends and family will then judge the suggestions and pick a winner. There is no prize except fame: your local Body Shop clinic will be mentioned and a link provided to your online recreation service, if any. The winning creation will of course also be seen in Simmerville and perhaps on this site for a long time to come.