Affiliates Programme
Banner advertising
Important about email
Receiving virus or spam from us? 

Simmerville has been around since February 2002 as one of the largest sites operated by Sims and focusing on Simmish culture and everyday life. March 2004 our site was awarded with Golden Star Award for best community site. One of our goals is to connect Sim hoods and adding to the everyday experience.

Simmerville Affiliates Programme

It's natural for us to affiliate with other web sites operated by Sims. Content like "how to play the sims" and "codes for cheating" is totally out of the question. That kind of sites are not interesting to Sims.

If your web site is operated by sims and within our "From Sims to Sims" concept, then please read on to see what to do:

Please use one of our four buttons above, make sure the icon links to

For being affiliates send a mail to including the following:

*1* URL and title of your web site.

*2* Where can your 88x31 button icon be downloaded? Do not send the image as an attatchment, but rather link to it if it's already on the web.

*3* Webmaster Sim's name and e-mail address.

By applying you confirm that you, the webmaster, is a Sim and not a Human.

You can of course use one of the 4 icons for linking to Simmerville even if you decide not to join our programme.

Note: If your site address ever returns an error message, your button might get removed without warning.

Simmerville banner advertising

Simmerville web offer 486x60 banner advertising. This service is free to Sims while Humans will be charged a small fee.

Up to 5000 free banner expressions on our main page per month. Free ads can be ordered by sim sites and services that are operated by sims, only (non profit). Your message will be seen by sims of all ages and all over Sim Nation. Free banners might temporarly be taken off the rotation without furter notice.

Advertising music, games, movies or anything else that is important to a young person's life? We offer up to 25000 banner impressions on our main page per month. Simmerville web's human visitors love computer games, role play and community building. Contact us for detailed user stats and rates.

Click here for more information.

Donations to Simmerville

Simoleons make our hood go around, our hood go around...

Simmerville web is still totally free and we intend to keep it that way. It gives us freedom to update as often or rarely as we like. Nevertheless, after several years of bandwidth costs and at least 10 hours of work every week (poor sims, right!) we have now decided to open up for donations via PayPal.

Donators will not get anything extra, at least not at this point. Donations will simply be your way to show your gratitude for the past as well as help inspire the staff to keep going :-)  If you can't donate anything you are still very much welcome to every corner of Simmerville including anny free download you can find.

We couldn't find a way to have donations transferred into Simoleons, so you will need to do this in the Human way, with PayPal. We will make sure that for every Dollar donated, 1000 Simoleons will be added to Simmerville's welfare budget!

Keep in mind that the PayPal fee will be withdrawn from your donation, meaning sending less than one Dollar/Euro will be a better deal to PayPal than to Simmerville. Also, because of fees, donating $2 once would be smarter than donating $1 twice.

Donations can be made by clicking the PayPal button



Important about email

Spam is a huge problem also at Simmerville. Everyday we receive tons of email that is filtered out and deleted without being opened. If you want to mail us you must either send mail by clicking a link on the site, to assure that we recognize the subject line. Or make sure to include "Simmerville" in the subject line. If the subject line is just "Hello" the mail will not be read. Sorry.

To find the address to mail someone who wrote an article, go to the article, then click the theme button on top left of the page (next to the HOME button) and scroll down until you find the article in the index. All available addresses are in the index, note that some will be sent to websimtress Bimbo NL.

Receiving virus or spam from any of us at Simmerville web? 

That is how those virus scripts work; they find a random email address in the infected computer (address book, email or web cache) and use it as disguise. A mail claiming us to be the sender was not necessarily sent from us. Note that we never send out attachment (other than if it was asked for, of course). Never open any attachment from us unless it was expected.
