Third - there was the past. Some see it as the future, but it was a beginning. And THEY were already there. Three Sims were chosen to write the SIMbepi tales. If they could only see the tragedy awaiting three generations ahead. But there is no way to avoid the future, or is there? First - there was a capture of time and THEY stole one dimension. Sims getting stuck in their everyday with no ageing. It was later referred to as the flat world. Simmerville's website was founded, and the ball started rolling as the clairvoyant saw what was coming... Second - their missing dimension was returned. The spell was broken and once again time flowed like it should. The flat world was forgotten as new generations were born. Learning about their past, but still fearing the future? It's getting clear now - Green & Blue! THEY will return!

3 tales of SIMbepi

Opened September 15, 2009.
Voting closes every Friday at
11PM/23:00, with updates 
during the Weekend.

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